VOIP Failover
Deliver a Higher Quality Service & Less Downtime With Global Monitoring & VOIP Failover
VOIP Failover
When you absolutely, positively have to be up and running our VOIP Failover service can add yet another level of redundancy to your VOIP and Unified Communications offerings. Tightly integrated into our Netmon global server monitoring, our DNS failover automatically updates your DNS to a backup IP upon a failure or degraded server.
- Highly adjustable VOIP Failover offers Failover and Failback options
- VOIP Failover tests UDP, TCP and TLS on any custom port
- Failover in a little as 30 seconds for mission critical apps/servers
- Low TTL DNS Cache means instant DNS Propagation and Failover
- 19+ Methods of detection include HTTP/S, SIP Options, PING & more
- Failover CNAMES, A-Records & add/remove servers from LB pools
Did you know you don’t have to move your DNS to us to use Failover? Ask us about CNAME Failover – it’s low cost and very easy to setup!
Netmon Cloud Server Monitoring
Netmon Server monitoring allows you to monitor your servers at certain intervals to notify and invoke DNS failover based on your rules. Test your servers using almost any protocol including HTTP(S), POP3, IMAP, SSH, PING, SIP Options, Jabber and many others.
- Adjustable monitoring interval from every 10 seconds to every hour
- Monitor from many locations – up to 7 locations across the globe
- 19+ different methods/protocols to test your servers/apps
- Load Balance & Failover server pools based on latency or downtime
- Setup multiple notification and failover rules
- Detailed Stats and Monitoring logs
Testimonial and Whitepaper
This service provided us with valuable insight on our VOIP network and allowed us to failover to backup servers when a primary had high latency or stopped responding. It’s been rock solid and has helped us move towards 99.999% availability
VOIPLY Customer Case Study
See why VoIPLy selected CloudfloorDNS over Hardware Load Balancers like F5 and others. They added speed and resilience to their VOIP Platform by switching to the CloudfloorDNS Anycast DNS platform. They gained over 600% in core DNS speeds resulting in faster, more reliable apps, websites, and VOIP services. Less latency means better call quality and VOIP Failover adds an additional layer of redundancy.
Fastest, Closest Server
Delivery of higher VOIP call quality and reliability by combining our GEO DNS Director and VOIP Failover. GEO DNS Director automatically detects your end-user location and quickly routes them to the fastest, closest server. Use with Cisco Spark, Cisco Expressway, or most other VOIP & UC platforms. Get even more control with Geo-targeting for direct specific regions or individual countries and quickly send them to regional servers or load balancing pools. VOIP Failover tests your SIP protocol on each server and will pull them out of load balancing pools automatically and add them back in when they come back up.
- The ultimate in traffic control for your VOIP, UC & UCaaS
- GEO SRV DNS Records offer smart DNS routing
- Tests SIP Options protocol on TCP. UDP or TLS for availability or latency
- Geo-Locate, Load Balance & Failover server pools
- Works with CNAMES & compatible with all UCaaS & Cloud Providers
Load Balancing & Failover
Combining our DNS Load Balancing along with DNS Failover provides you with the latest in internet traffic control. Highly scalable and reliable this combination of services allows you to load balance traffic among server pools while constantly monitoring your individual servers for latency or downtime. When a server falls below your custom set latency threshold, it’s removed from the server pool automatically and re-added when it comes back up!
Interested in VOIP Failover?
VOIP Failover – Partner Spotlight
The VOIP Options failover by Cloudfloor offers us a quick and effective way of monitoring our VOIP Services and failing over based on a set latency threshold or on server failure. Not only are we notified almost instantly, but the DNS Failover pulls the offending server out of the load balancing pool and adds it back in automatically when it comes back up. This low cost and effective service helps us provide a higher quality of service to our clients
VOIP Innovations
VOIP Innovations is a wholesale VOIP carrier that has selected CloudfloorDNS VOIP Options Failover to add a higher level of reliability and call quality to their services. By actively monitoring their VOIP server platform using VOIP Options monitoring on port 5060, VOIP Innovations operations can quickly be notified of downtime and/or latency on any one of their individual servers and instantly failover to a backup. Failover can also be initiated manually for any maintenance windows and will automatically failback when individual servers come back up or if performance increases to a custom threshold.